I conceive although to put two “Add To Viewport” is useless but the problem it is that if I remove it then when I am going to use my touch to reveal him, the first time he seems good, but the second time there is just my mouse which appears. I found only this solution at the moment, if you could enlighten me on my error.
Thanks for the screen but it was one of the tests I tried for to remove the second “Add To Viewport” but I still have the problem of the Widget that opens only once and of mouse activat.
I tried to do as your screen but my Skill Tree window is not displayed.
I tried to add a “Set Visibility” on Visible before “Add To Viewport” it works but I get the previous error because of the second “Add To Viewport”.
“The widget ‘SkillTreeInterfaceTest_C’ already has a parent widget. It can’t also be added to the viewport!”
Hi, Currently I am like in your screen, I created my SkillTree Widget and in my primary widget I added it. I passed it in hidden, in my BP, I come to make it visible and I remove it with to the button that is in Widget Skill Tree.
Can the error cause a stability or crash problem ?