Problem on all ForEach nodes


I have the following problem. Today when i opened my project, the for each loop blueprint in the standard macros shows me a problem which impacts on all for each loops all over the project. Although yesterday everything was working fine.

It shows me the following problem:

and in the Standard macros show me the following error:

Thanks in advance.

Found an answer myself. Something was corrupted inside the Unreal Engine 4 files.

So i’ve tried to verify all engine files and then the problem got away. Thanks anyaway

I am having this problem. I have verified the Engine Version associated with the project in question, but it did not solve my problem.
Do I need to verify other files? and how would I do that?
(I only know how to verify Engine Versions)

Hi, i only verified the Unreal Engine 4 files and the problem got away. It did not have to do with my project but there is a case that when there is a bug in your code, that causes all the other errors and it does not show up. I had a similar problem before. Maybe by deactivating - activating various nodes in your code, you might be able to find the error.

But if this is not the case, another way to go would be to delete your current version of Unreal Engine and reinstall it.

Nevermind I figured it out.
It seems I had not replaced the previous ‘ForEachLoop’ node when I changed the input variable array.
They really need to have the ForEach loops auto change to whatever array you input instead of having to replace them with a unique version per array.