Problem of reconstruction

Attached is a download link for a series of pictures that are problematic.
Reconstruction is not possible (see screenshot attached)
Align Image = OK
Define ground plane = OK
Set rebuild = OK
Reconstruction = fall (Invalid function call)

Could you tell me where the problem is because everything works with Autodesk Remake but can not do anything with Reality Capture

Many thanks


And when the error occur ? Just after you start running the reconstruction or somewhere in the process of reconstruction ?

Reconstruction works fine for me.

Try updating your graphics drivers or setting the GPU in the reconstruction settings.

You do have a CUDA capable card, no?


Occuring just after beginning of reconstruction

What is CUDA??

From the wiki over at

CUDA is a parallel computing platform and application programming interface (API) model created by Nvidia.[1] It allows software developers and software engineers to use a CUDA-enabled graphics processing unit (GPU) for general purpose processing

Basically you need an Nvidia graphics card.

AMD/ATI does their own thing that is like CUDA but not the same.

RC does only support CUDA for calculating stuff on the graphics card.

What are your actual hardware specs of the cpmputer you run RC on?

Win 7 Pro 2600 CPU 3.4 GHz 64 bits
32 Go RAM
Nom du GPU
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960
Nom de code du GPU
Quantité de mémoire vidéo
4 Go
Fréquence du GPU
135 MHz
Fréquence mémoire du GPU
405 MHz

It seems that reconstruction is impossible when I use my Samsung S8 Phone. No problem with Canon or Sony cameras
I don’t understand why does it work with you and photos from Samsing S8 and not for me ?


Have you not changed image location ( redirected image paths ) or etc ?

Can you see cameras in the scene ?

Not any change. Yes I see the cameras

Is is possible to send me your *.obj ou *.stl reconstruction?


Read PM message where you have reconstructed model

I don’t undestand what you say with “PM”

CESAR Guy wrote:

I don’t undestand what you say with “PM”

PM stands for a “private message”