Hi, I would know why I have to compil my project to see all my c++ classes and how to fix it.
Class disappearing from the editor was a known issue of UE5.0.0, I don’t know if it’s been fixed in the 5.0.1 hotfix.
I disabled hotreload from the project settings and use CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+P to recompile the project
Why isn’t it in the editor hotkeys? I tried to find this hotkey on the Internet as well, but couldn’t. Thank you!
P.S. This is not the solution to the topic. But it’s a useful thing to know.
Maybe it was fixed in 5.0.1, because in 5.0.0 it wasn’t there. Not it is.
I’m sure I used it in UE5.0.0, maybe it’s hidden if you start a blueprint only project? IDK! However Hot Reload enabled as default and the compile button removed from the top bar are a real pain for plugin developers!
If you liked that shortcut I think you might like my plugin too, because after you compile stuff you usually need to restart the editor in order to see the changes.
I’ve seen this a lot on the Internet, but in my case I only need to restart if I change the parenting of components in actors. IDK, everything else I do just works after compiling without restarting. What am I doing wrong? =)