Problem of c++ classes

Hi, I would know why I have to compil my project to see all my c++ classes and how to fix it.


Class disappearing from the editor was a known issue of UE5.0.0, I don’t know if it’s been fixed in the 5.0.1 hotfix.

I disabled hotreload from the project settings and use CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+P to recompile the project


Why isn’t it in the editor hotkeys? I tried to find this hotkey on the Internet as well, but couldn’t. Thank you!

P.S. This is not the solution to the topic. But it’s a useful thing to know.

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It is, but sometimes it doesn’t show up! It happened to me too (not being able to find it)


Maybe it was fixed in 5.0.1, because in 5.0.0 it wasn’t there. Not it is.

I’m sure I used it in UE5.0.0, maybe it’s hidden if you start a blueprint only project? IDK! However Hot Reload enabled as default and the compile button removed from the top bar are a real pain for plugin developers! :sweat_smile:
If you liked that shortcut I think you might like my plugin too, because after you compile stuff you usually need to restart the editor in order to see the changes.


I’ve seen this a lot on the Internet, but in my case I only need to restart if I change the parenting of components in actors. IDK, everything else I do just works after compiling without restarting. What am I doing wrong? =)

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I really envy you!
If you use modules or edit a parent C++ class that has BP children, they usually don’t get refreshed, I often launch unreal directly from the VSCode debugger to compile and reboot with one key only :rofl:

P.S. I think I’ve just found the compile button :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: