Hey I am having this issue where if I activate and use any plugin I can no longer launch my game. I can launch and play any of the boilerplate games on my android phone(Pixel 3xl) connected via USB on windows 10 . But once I activate any plugin restart the editor and launch it does not work. It will build the project and when I click on my phone it will try to start the game. It complains that a plugin cannot be found and minimizes the game window automatically. It seems to randomly complain about any given plugin. “Paper2d”, “'ArcadeVS” . Its annoying because this was all working at one point not so long ago. I’m at my wits end with this if anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.
On my output log after launching I also get random plugin errors like :
LogPluginManager: Error: Unable to load plugin ‘SignificanceManager’. Aborting.
LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘ArcadeVS’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
On Android device I see different messages like
Failed to load Plugin
Failed to open descriptor file “…/etc…/MobilePatchingUtils.uplugin”
The messages seem to complain about different plugins everytime. However they all seemed to be centered around plugins / module errors
Here are some things I tried so far.
Uninstalling / Reinstalling Android code works (android-sdk-windows, NDK r14b, JDK1.8, gradle 4.1)
Uninstalling / Reinstalling Unreal Engine (4.22.)
Uninstalling / Reinstalling Android Studio
Uninstalling / Reinstalling Visual Studio 2017
Creating new projects(Found out it isn’t only related to my current game project but happens to all new test projects)
Erasing some build folders and forcing rebuild by right cliicking on the .uproject file and selecting switch unreal engine versions
This is a only a couple things I have done. I would try to update to 4.24 but some of the plugins my game relies on don’t support that version yet. If anyone could point me in right direction that would be great. I honestly don’t know what I have left to do. Somehow it seems like the “plugin manager” is corrupt and is not adding new plugins. I seem to be chasing errors that are not at the root of the problem. This happens on all new projects as well so I cannot even migrate all my code to a new project. I have already sunken many hours into this debacle and any help would be greatly appreciated. I can provide any additional logs/info if it would help. Thanks again