Problem in rendering a static object that needs to follow me

Hi everyone,
I am trying to make a rendering of a sequence after I record it with (Take Record).
My problem is that when I play, the object follows me normally. (OBS video below)

Instead, when I run the rendering, this happens the object behaves strangely. (Rendered video below)

This is the blueprint of my Object

I can’t use Nav Mesh Bounds Volume because I’ll put this in another map where I can’t use it (Small City Matrix map)

Thanks for your support



It doesn’t look like it’s behaving strangely at all. The perspective has changed. In the above, the character owns the camera, in the below, the object owns the camera.

Hi thx for your answer, my problem is the object doesn’t follow me straight and makes turns at the beginning, I also saw that in some places it tends to “fly”, maybe some settings with gravity could help?

Hard to tell, because the way your character moves in both of those gifs is different. You should replace the suitcase with an arrow so you can see exactly what is going on with the rotation.

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I tried as you u suggested and I think in the rendering it follows the target spawn location I think for the rotation
Take Record Video:

Rendered video:

This is the problem in detail:
RenderedVideo problem

The fact that the cone (in the problem video) is knocking stuff over like a bull in a china shop is hilarious to me. It’s clearly out of control.

Anyway, back to the task at hand…

Your graph is VERY confusing. You really do need to clean it up. It’s hard for me to keep track of what is connected to what. I would do that if I were you, as it will GREATLY help in debugging.

I can’t remember off the top of my head how the Take Recorder works, but it looks like you may need to adjust the rotation settings on it (if they exist).

Can you post the settings you have for the Take Recorder?

I tried to clean the graph but is very full of things,
These are the settings for the Take Recorder:

The strange thing is this behavior happens only after I render the video, is like when I render the “Get Player Character” give always the same position :frowning:

How exactly did you attach the camera to the cone? Because I’m noticing that the cone and the camera are tidally locked.


Wait a minute. “FinaleOriginale”, is that the character or the cone?

Also, your code should look more like this:

If you’re going to take programming seriously, you have to practice tidying your code up. I know this comes off as pedantic, but I really had a hard time understanding what you’re trying to do.

For the camera, I just attached it to the cone with “Attach To” command

FinaleOriginale is the luggage object at the beginning, the character is the default one

I clean the blueprint of the arrow, thx for showing me.

For everyone with the same problem, the solution is to remove the Event Tick in the blueprint of the object when you make the rendering, and when you make the rendering be sure that in the map there’ll be only the things do you want in the video

for the help anyway I appreciate it

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