Hi guys, I’m brasilian, sorry
sorry for my incorrect English. i’m making one game for my college and I need help for a thing. I made one MainMenu after made the blueprints of my player and when I clicked in play, happend this problem.
What can I do to make this information contained in my character’s blueprint appear only when I click on the play of the menu?
where are you adding the hud widgets? you basically need to have it setup where the hud isnt created until after you press the play button. depending on where you create the hud will determine the answer to your question. if your hud is created in the player controller, hud bp, game mode, or player character then you may need to have a separate game mode, level, or game mode override for your menu level. or you may just need to script in a event which creates the hud widget on play clicked. theres many solutions