Hi everyone,
I’m trying to understand why when I import my model from blender I have problems.
Reading some advice, I understood that I had to make a scale of my model, as ue5 uses centimeters as the yardstick.
The first problem is that by changing the unit of measurement in Blender, all the animations I had previously created got screwed up.
But other than that, I still notice problems importing the model into ue5: the bones of the model are still not recognized correctly and in the “PhysicsAsset” they are generated incompletely… for example you can see what I mean in the second image: two “upper-arm” and “low-arm” bodies should appear, instead I see only one body on the arm.
Anyone know how to fix this issue?
(As it might help other users, I also post an image of the physics asset without scaling the model)
This is without scaling the model
This is after scaling the model, but some bodies are still not correctly recognized