Problem importing joined mesh from blender

link textSo I made a simple space ship. I worked on the left wing first, and when it came time to make the right wing I simply selected the left wing, hit duplicate, and rotated it by 180 degrees to flip it. I positioned everything, selected all my disparate objects, and hit “join”. Everything looked fine so I exported the FBX but when I bring it into UE4 I notice that the right wing doesn’t show up. I thought this was odd so I zoomed around the model in UE4 and it turned out that when I viewed the model from below rather than above, I could see the wing. So I thought maybe I wasn’t supposed to rotate it in blender. Went back and instead of rotating it, I just used a negative scale value. Redid everything and same problem when I brought it into UE4.

So then I thought maybe I’m still doing it wrong. So this time I selected the left wing and added a mirror modifier. Joined it all together, imported it again, and same problem.

So I guess I have 2 questions: One is why is my mirrored/flipped/scaled wing not displaying properly even though everything is joined together, and two, do I actually have to (and should I) join my objects together in blender if they form a single overall model?


Edit: attached a of the blender file. One has everything merged, the other is pre-merge.

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Try this. I exported your ship with Y forward and Z up along with scaling by 100px, You may want to try reducing that later but at least with the merged ship everything seemed to come through fine on my end.

Awesome, thanks for the help!