Problem importing collision objects from maya

im trying to import a collision object into unreal but its not registering that there is one but idk what im doing wrong … in maya i took my model and made a low res replica of it for the collision … i named that Level_11 and UCX_Level_11… exported them together with smoothing groups smooth mesh and triangulate all checked and referenced assests content unchecked (See 1st Image)

… then in unreal i imported the fbx with auto generate collision turned on and one convex hull per ucx turned off (See 2nd Image)


… when it imports however nothing shows up for the collision (3rd Image) , can anyone help me with this ? … ( for some reason could it be that u can not create a collision object using the main models geometry and have to create one from scratch from a primitive ?)


Please, read FBX Static Mesh pipeline docs for properly set up scene with static mesh and collision mesh in MAYA before export.

If you want add collision mesh from additional file. Just import your new collision mesh, like typical static mesh (naming with prefix not necessary). Select your new collision mesh in Content Browser, open in mesh editor your base model. In menu Collision -> Copy Collision from Selected Static Mesh

i seemed to do all of that but nothing shows up for the collision object … is there a poly count limit to how high the collision object mesh can be (maybe thats the reason?) ?

Turn off auto generate collision and one convex hull per ucx turned and import file again.(Not just reimport, but delete from content browser and then import again)