Problem exporting skeletal meshes containing root motion from blender to UE4

Hi all, i have ran across a strange problem with the fbx export from blender to ue4, apparently, there is nothing wrong with working with the FBX 6.1 ascii, exporter regarding Skeletal meshes, it all works fine, BUT… UE4 apparently doesnt read root motion right, and everytime i animate the root bone, ue 4 doesnt read it as translation, even if i make the “Enable Root Motion” on the animation sequence, what happens is, it always behaves as if it wasnt marked at all…

Now bear with me a little hehehe… the thing is, if i animate the ACTUAL ARMATURE (picking the Armature Object as a whole and keyframing it), the root motion suddenly reads… and the worst part is, the FBX 7.4 exporter actually exports Root motion right with no problems BUT… UE4 gives me the dreaded “bone transform is different” warning, which basicaly means i cant use the skeletal mesh in any blueprint…


If my project didnt require root motion, i wouldnt mind at all, but i really need root motion at specific times…


Have you tried making a fake root and using that for root motion? Essentially just adding an extra bone right before RootBone and not touching it and having RootBone be parented to it but not connected. It might be a use-able work around and a fairly easy one at that.

But then i would lose the Root motion hability, i have created a new project and it ran fine with the 7.4 exporter, for some time at least, i am certain that this is a bug, because i cant select the skeletal anywere, and the only way to import animations for it, is by going inside the skeletal, and clicking the “import” button, and choosing the animation on my hd, but this isnt a solution since i still cant select it on the blueprint for example, unless i drag and drop the skeletal on the blueprint as a second “Skeletal Mesh Component”, and if i do that, i cant reference this BP anywere anymore

The only way to reference the BP class, in for example in a “spawn actor from class” node, is to go inside the blueprint’s Graph and manualy selecting the respective Class there, then it all works fine… this looks like a viewport bug of some sort, because everything outside the viewport editor works