problem exporting orthophotos from a specific project


I have a problem with RC, after rendering an orthophoto I go to export ortho projection and when I click on the button it doesn’t show the window for saving the file. Instead of this the mouse cursor shows a spinning wheel and freezes there. Then I have to kill the RC and reopen it.
I have this problem with this project only, the orthophoto function works in other projects. Anyone know what might cause this problem?

have you tried to reset the software to factory default?

Hello Georgios,

what version and license of Rc do you use? Can you please post some screenshot of the parameters of the generated ortho projection?


Same problem here, orthophoto button for save vanish right after creation. It come back after (save your project ofc)  full reset.



Hello aure,

Can you please describe what you mean by vanish? Please share some screenshots.