Problem Connection TwinMotion 2023.2.3 <> ARCHICAD 25 (3002)


I’ve updated Archicad, and so TwinMotion.
I’m on Mac Mini M1 / Sonoma 14.4.1

Everything is stable, BUT I 'can’t connect the 2 apps…
I’ve installed of course the plugin " UnrealDatasmithArchiCADExporter_Mac_5_3_2 "
Then on Twin Motion > Import > + > DIRECT LINK = “No source available”.

Did I miss something ?

(I’ve tried to Export via the ArchiCad plugin, format .uDatasmith, then import on TwinMotion. It Works, but still no connection, the AC file is not updated on TM…)

Thank for the help !

It seems that you are missing the synchronizaton step from Archicad