Hi, this has been frustrating me for a while now. I’m working on an FPS weapon selection system and am having issues attaching both the first / third person weapon models to the first / third person bodies together. In the image below you can see how the weapon actor is setup and how I’m trying to attach them.
Now, the ‘ThirdPersonMesh’ attaches perfectly, but the subsequent ‘FirstPersonMesh’ doesn’t. It seems like the ‘FirstPersonMesh’ is inheriting the attachment and movement of the ‘ThirdPersonMesh’ in game as they both are in the same place, even though I’m trying to attach to different skeletal meshes.
I’m assuming this is due to how one is a child of the other in the BP_BaseWeapon Actor, and if I inverse the parenting then lo and behold the ‘FirstPersonMesh’ will work whereas the ‘ThirdPersonMesh’ wont.
My question is : How do I get them both to attach correctly? The most frustrating part is that the attachment blueprint is used in exactly the same way in the ‘Generic Shooter’ project and somehow works.
edit Please ignore the fact the first attach isn’t connected. I forgot to re-connect after doing a test, before taking the screenshot.