Hi everyone, i’ve been trying to do texture displacement on my cube, i’ve imported it from sketchup, when i do it from modeling mode it get all messy as shown in the pictures
Here’s the material i used
Hi everyone, i’ve been trying to do texture displacement on my cube, i’ve imported it from sketchup, when i do it from modeling mode it get all messy as shown in the pictures
Here’s the material i used
Hi Kaydo,
Needing to multiply your texture tiling by .005 is a bit of a ‘red flag’. (Experiment with the UV tools in the modeling mode to fix what I assume to be over-scaled UVs)
If you disconnect the ‘Normal’, (normal map) do the strange edges around your cube go away?
If not, you may need to rework your meshes, your Face Normals (Outward direction of geometric faces) may be inverted.
Hi thank you very much for your help, i edited the UVs in modeling mode also disconnected the normal map, but the problem persist
the final try i searched for the face orientation, according to mesh property i think i got it right bu could you possibly give me more details on how to check that out
You’re welcome.
I’m now noticing that you’re trying to apply a ‘displacement map’ to the model. That is likely where those weird edges were coming from.
To check face orientation you can visualize vertex normals (not to be confused with normal maps) in the static mesh viewer:
Hi, thanks again for your help, i checked the normal and this is what i got
i tried to flip the normal in modeling mode and tried displacement again and it didn’t work, here’s what i got
this box is imported from sketchup in fbx format, when exporting the cube i checked (double sided faces)
It’s strange that your box has 48 vertices. (24 would be the expected number)
What are you trying to accomplish with displacement?
Hi thanks again for your help, am trying to use displacement for my new map, i imported a custom building using sketchup so i figured i use displacement for more beautiful looking model
You’re welcome.
I think you’d only want to use a normal map in the material. (This would add the illusion of displacement (bricks casting shadows from sun direction) in a common and performant way)
In your first image I see a normal map, make sure that’s still plugged in.
Protip: you can hold L then click+drag in the static mesh viewer to rotate the directional light and admire the normal map.
Hi there, i tried that trick with the light and kept the displacement map in the material and the result was very satisfying, again thank you very much for your help
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