Problem adding Paragon mesh into the Game Animation Sample Project

I’m testing the Game Animation Sample Project following the documentation on Game Animation Sample Project in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community, but the mesh is deformed by the APB_Sandbox_Character, and also when I run it in editor mode, it crashes.

someone has any idea about what’s the problem here?

I created an IK_Rig using the Auto Create IK function and also the retarget asset.

I solved it on my own,

Two things:

  • In the CBP_SandboxCharacter_{your character}, you need to select “ABP_GenericRetarget,” NOT “ABP_SandboxCharacter” as stated in the documentation. Maybe that works only for the UE5 skeleton scheme, but Paragon uses the UE4 skeleton (3 spine bones). Please consider adding this clarification to the guide.
  • In the mesh node of your CBP_SandboxCharacter_{your character}, you must ensure that the “Visibility Based Anim Tick Option” is set to “AlwaysTickPoseAndRefreshBones.” Apparently, when you create a child blueprint from the CBP_Sandbox_Character, that option is set to “Always Tick Pose”—at least, that was the case for me. Please consider adding this relevant information to the guide.

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