Pro Gamer Film Trailer

Title: Pro Gamer Film Trailer (90 Sec)

Video URL: ← Watch Submission

Credits to sourced content:
Artist (Performer): UC Davis University Chorus
Song: Carmina Burana - O Fortuna
Composer: Carl Orff
Used with rights and permission

I decided to make this 90 second trailer to an upcoming featurette (short film) made leveraging all the best things about UEFN. Pro Gamer is a modern take on the Luc Besson film (Leon) The Professional - with the roles reversed, and the younger protagonist being very adept at assassination - they bond, as Jet teaches his dad the art of Battle Royale. Here is a trailer to the original film:

Screenshot of project in-editor:

Student Submission: No

Virtual Production

Very cool! Short Films and UEFN is a great match!
Would love to see some short film releases available in Discovery!
That would be pretty awesome!

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Thank you @DRAGONSTUDIO, it was a fun journey making the trailer - the short film will have playable elements. I’ll drop both island codes and maybe have a premiere party around Unreal Fest this year. So happy to contribute to the ecosystem.

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