I’m new to UE4, and I have created a basic player with movement using blueprints.
How can I make an area that when the player enters, a message is printed (for testing).
I’m new to UE4, and I have created a basic player with movement using blueprints.
How can I make an area that when the player enters, a message is printed (for testing).
Hey Ben, You can use a box trigger for that
Add it to anywhere in the level and then make sure it’s selected
after that simply right-click on the level blueprint and get the “add on actor begin overlap” node
that can be used to execute any code you want.
That worked, thank you
you’re welcome
few more things that may help you,
*if you get the other actor output and cast it to your player character (Default pawn class), the execution will only happen if the player hits the trigger (otherwise any movable object that overlaps it can trigger the execution, ex: AI)
*The execution of the overlapping event is not limited to the trigger volume, I mean if you do the same process with a mesh actor, it can call the same event as a trigger volume do. but the trigger volume is more optimized for overlapping stuff.
(in order to overlap a mesh, you should set the collision method to a preset that can be overlapped, ex: trigger, OverlapAllDynamic, etc.)
also, make sure to enable the “generate overlap events” tick too
hope this helps ,