Previewing Blueprint Animation in Sequencer

I have a scene that I need to animate in sequencer and output as a movie render. The shots focus on a blueprint train. The speed of the train is set through the blueprint on a track in sequencer. I need to be able to preview and edit my camera animation together with the blueprint animation of the train while editing in sequencer.
Ideally, I would trigger the train to start on the sequencer timeline and hitting “play” in the sequencer timeline would play the blueprint in my camera viewport. I haven’t been able to figure out if this is possible.
The closest I’ve been able to get is to set the game to only play the sequence. I can preview the animation using PIE but it’s not a great having to jump in and out of the sequencer to edit.
Another possibility would be to bake out transform keyframes (somehow in UE) on the train cars.
Is there a way to preview blueprint animation in the sequencer?