Preview textures and materials from Blender using the Cycles render engine

I made this a while back, but I figured since I signed up for the subscription yesterday I should make a post on the forums where people who will use my work will see it. This .blend file has a material group in it that lets you accurately see how your materials will look in-engine by mimicking UE4’s default lighting model in Cycles. I’m not 100% sure that every property is spot-on, but it’s close enough for government work.

You can download the blend file from Blendswap here

Example materials in Blender:

The materials created from the same values in-engine:

Example node setup with non-textured albedo, roughness, and metallic:

The node setup of the material group itself:

Here’s an example asset with its material set up in Blender (please excuse my shoddy texturing):

And, the same asset in a level in UE4:

Pretty similar, eh?

thank you very much !!

Thank you very much! It’s a really great job. Isn’t there a way to export material nodes from UE4 (say, in JSON or whatever) to have a chance to automatically (by Python script) reconstruct the same structure in Blender with your wonderful node group?