Preview Custom Primitive Data In Material Editor

Is there any way to preview custom primitive data (per instance data) inside material editor? When I create a material parameter and set it to “Use Custom Primitive Data” with primitive data index 0, preview becomes black bacause the input value from such parameter inside material editor is 0. I know I can place an object in the world and add custom data in the rendering section of that object, but is there a way to preview it inside material editor?

You can set the Const Default Value of the PerInstanceCustomData node and it will reflect in the preview.

Needing to set default values other than 0 in PrimitiveCustomData in the Material View also.

There seems to be more limitation on the PerInstanceCustomData node, versus converting a parameter into using PrimitiveCustomData

Specifically getting Errors about invalid node in Pixel/null/domain. There are some comments about nodes that are incompatible with the PerInstanceCustomData node. Why are these limits not on the Parameter Custom Data workflow?

add your Custom Initialization code in the UPrimitiveComponent::PostInitProperties() and PostLoad() and PostEditChange, and etc.
such as:

Its a bit of a workaround but you could just plase and Add node and put the custom data into the A slot - then plug that into your graph. It will change the default to 1 at least. Better than having everything black.


Its a bit of a workaround but you could just plase and Add node and put the custom data into the A slot - then plug that into your graph. It will change the default to 1 at least. Better than having everything black.

This, this is the solution.

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