Prevent Duplicate Meshes from Being Linked to the Mesh it Was Duplicated From

Hi, I am making roads in a project. I have made a road mesh that I have been duplicating to form a road grid. However, when I attempt to change the length of a road with the modeling tools, for instance plane cut, it applies to all of the roads. I don’t want this. Is there a way to prevent the changes from being applied to all of the road meshes? Thank you.

The modelling tools write to the original mesh. If you want to change the size, there are a couple of ways

  1. Duplicate the mesh in the content browser, drag the new one into your map, the edit it

  2. Just use the scaling tool ( R ) to scale the mesh instance. This will not affect the other instances.

I think I will have to use the content browser to duplicate the mesh. But I can’t use the scaling tool because that will mess with the road lines. Thank you

Doesn’t it do the same thing when you scale it in the modelling tools?.. :slight_smile:

No, I’m using the plane cut feature to cut a part off

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Ah… :slight_smile: