Pretty please, HELP!

Hello there,

Ever since I updated to 4.7 I’ve been getting this error message. The editor keeps telling me that ‘lighting needs rebuild’, and the image shows the swarm agent error.

It seems it’s happening to a couple more people, based on this Answer Hub, so I know it’s not only me.

So, pretty please, help. It’s been nigh on two month with this problem and no one has help yet. Please and thank you.

4.5 works perfectly for me.

EDIT1: The problem is in every project.

If interested, this are the things I’ve tried to no avail:

-Uninstalling Unreal with all my preferences
-Installing it both through the source and the Launcher version
-deleting my vault
-Updating to the latest version
-Deleting the Swarm Cache folder

-Copy all your stuff into a new project and then try to rebuild the light again :slight_smile:
-start the launcher/engine with admin rights

Does this happen on a specific project, or every project?

Every project.

-Copy all your stuff into a new project and then try to rebuild the light again :slight_smile:
-start the launcher/engine with admin rights

Won’t help, it happens in every project.

Thank you for answering anyway. Cheers!

Make sure to post your problem onto answerhub: https://answers.unrealengine/ :slight_smile:

Make sure to post your problem onto answerhub: https://answers.unrealengine/ :slight_smile:

I did, but no one has answered. I check it almost daily. I updated my first post with the link to the AnswerHub.

It could take awhile till someone from epic games replies -> just wait and bump the thread/answerhub post after 4 days :slight_smile:

-have you already installed the latest engine version/hotfix?

It could take awhile till someone from epic games replies -> just wait and bump the thread/answerhub post after 4 days :slight_smile:

-have you already installed the latest engine version/hotfix?

Yes, I have. I’ve got 4.7.6, Launcher version. Same problem still.

I will do that. Thank you very much for taking the time, mate.

Hi ,

I responded to your answerhub post, it was in a section that we do not prioritize, which is why it was overlooked. In the future, please make sure to post bugs in the Bug Reports section so we can address it quickly.