Press key to allow another key to use

hey guys im currently useing this tutorial Ability and Skill Tree System Series - Community Content, Tools and Tutorials - Unreal Engine Forums
But in it they have it set up so i click the button and the skill is used
but i want to make it so if i press the button it will allow the skill to be activated and i can fire it with the left mouse button. like how in ff14 they have you press a button to bring up the current skill bar to use and
Then press the corresponding skill button to use it.
just not sure how to go about doing it so any help would be great.

hello. first create a Boolean that will be set to true if the skill button is pressed. then hook a branch to the mouse input event that will check if the Boolean is true and if it is true it should fire the ability. hope this helps ?

Not trying to be rude but just can’t visualize what your saying i get it but looking at the way its set up for me im just not seeing it so i think this might help

thats part of it mainly the starting points

and all my hot keys are in an array not seperate buttons so um just not sure how i would do it.

To follow up up Shadow Boss12’s suggestion, here’s the same explanation but with images.

As far as I understand, you wish to be able to fire a spell (from the player controller) whenever the skill button (in widget) has been pressed.
I’d suggest to create a boolean variable on the player controller, as shown in the image below. This way you can easily check if the button has been pressed in the widget.

To set this variable, add a reference to your player controller in you widget just like the image below. Then whenever the button in the widget is pressed, set the boolean variable you created in the player controller.


Now, you can use this boolean variable in your player controller, whenever you press any key (or perhaps an input action key?). Look at the image below for BP implementation.


Hope this makes sense, and this is what you’re looking for.