"Premium Fabrics" not appearing in UE5.3 Bridge

I’m using UE5.3.2 with Bridge 5.3.0 installed and logged into my Epic account, and the “Premium Fabrics” collection shows “No Assets Here” message: (the fabrics appear fine on the Megascans website)

Is there something I need to do to access these in Bridge for UE?


Same here, but I can access them in Mixer and Bridge for UE 4.27. Really no clue why it is not working.

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Yeah I have the same issue…

same issue.

I have the same problem,except this fabric assets show no result,also click my metahuman has no result, and when i click any asset detail,the panel close,every assets ;

when i use bridge dependent version,it has no this problem;this problem only occur in bridge plugin in ue 5.3 or 5.4,i uninstall ue and this plugin,resintall it,dont fix this issue

please official fix this problem!

Same problem. With UE 5.4.2.
Still not resolved ? …


No. It is strange thing, all other Bridge content is available.

I have the same problem. Someone found a solution? Thank you.