Estimados hicimos un desarrollo VR de arquitectura y visualización utilizando el Presentador en Twimotion para una pagina web del gobierno en la ciudad de buenos aires, LA GENTE DE SISTEMA nos consulta si dicho EXE acepta las herramientas ASI

(todas las versiones de Java, Phyton, OPEN SSL entre varias mas, en caso que no sea claro este mail, les solicito un 0800 para que la gente de sistema puedas ampliar mas detalles de esto agradezco mucho

alberto izzi

Hello ,

My apologies, but unfortunately, I do not understand your question (I used a machine translator to translate the message, which is likely why). Would you be able to offer some additional details that may help me better understand your question so that I may try to answer it?



Thanks, I’ll try to be clear. We have a file exported from the TW Presenter about an Architecture project. My client asks us if the exported file can be uploaded to a Government website and if it complies with the ASI versions and tools. (Java Versiones .Python… etc PS The information is requested by the computer system people

El jue, 16 de mar. de 2023 16:12, Twinmotion <> escribió:

Thank you for clarifying.

Your client should be able to upload their Presenter to a government website with no issues, If the Presenter was uploaded to the Twinmotion Cloud, it should contain the HTML code to embed the Presenter in an iframe on the website.

I am not personally familiar with ASI. Is this a security protocol or rule? We have information on security rules and procedures that Twinmotion adheres to in our Twinmotion EULA, Epic Games Terms of Service, and Epic Games Privacy Policy. If you require further information on security compliance, please submit a case here requesting any necessary documentation and our support team can assist. IF I misunderstood what ASI is, please correct me.

For compliance with tools such as Java and Python, we don't support the modification of exported Presenter files, and any such modifications are done at the discretion of the user. We cannot offer guidance in this regard.

I hope this helps.



Dear Raghib.K A short time ago I sent you the technical concerns that these people from the Government of the City of Buenos Aires asked me for which were not clear to me and now they sent me a detail and an attached file. I remind you… we used Twimotion to make a VR of a building complex… we did it in Windows… The Programming department works in Linux and under its own protocols and they want to mount said VR (we export it in an executable file… on a website to show the experience to people. I will detail what they wrote to me Hi team, I transfer the requirements to deploy on our ASI servers. 1) They must comply with the technology standards that I leave attached. 2) The application must be able to be hosted on linux servers 3) GitLab will be used as a code repository, we must have the source code of the app, since we deploy using source to image (s2i) Stay tuned.

I send Greettings

El jue, 16 de mar. de 2023 16:12, Twinmotion <> escribió:

Hi ,

Thank you for the additional details. Unfortunately, it looks like your attachment did not upload correctly. If you attached it by email, you would need to upload it directly to the discussion from the website.

Regarding point 2, Twinmotion is not currently supported on Linux. Twinmotion is only supported on MacOS and Windows.

Regarding point 3, we do not distribute the source code for Twinmotion to end users.

I hope this answers those questions,

