Precision Zoom for Shooter Mechanics (keep same crosshair location while zooming) - Looking For Help

Precision Zoom for Shooter Mechanics (keep same crosshair location while zooming) - I’m looking for help with this problem.

I’m looking for a way to have camera always looking at the same location while zooming in (and not moving the camera with input events.)

Here’s a close up shot of how much the crosshair moves while zooming in and out:


Here’s an attempt at fixing the issue… but no real progress.

Aim Location is accurate, but it’s not finding the right look rotation it seems. (it’s weird because it was working better for a bit but then suddenly made things worse.)

Let’s see if we can figure out the solution!

[Link to Forum Post:][4]

Lowering the field of view from 90 to 45 created the desired effect. Thank you, Crow87 for the answer on the forum post!