so I’ve been away from modelling for a few years and things have changed a lot.
Now when applying a material to a mesh, the “placement” via Tex Coord Element is unprecise to say the least. Are we completely away from actual texturing these days and just use materials?
Lets say I have a flat plane mesh that I want to give a texture for the center, and for example, a band of stitched leather that goes around the edges. Since I can’t precisely place 1 texture that has the entire image in it, how would i go about it?
I’m missing an option like back in the day of UnrealEd, where I can just pan and zoom a texture across a brush, only with meshes now. I kind of miss the ability to interact with a meshes UV map as well.
Im probably just looking the wrong direction, so I thought I might as well ask you guys. Tutorials dont seem to help. (And no, texcoord is not a way to position (X,Y), rotate or zoom a texture on a mesh…
I never expierienced that with UV sets.
Materials are made of textures, so they are not replacing them, but are a step in between.
You can have a material without a texture, but yopu cant apply a texture without putting it in a material.
Unwrap the plane so it fits exactly in the UV space and then have a texture for the center and lerp a masked stitch texture on it.
Thats still possible with UE4 brushes. And with meshes it wasnt possible in UDK either…
Indeed, you would need to properly unwrap your UVs in your 3D application and then build your texture.
For that you have a several options:
Texturing and then baking a diffuse map from your modelling app
creating the texture in photoshop
Using a prodcut like substance painter or MARI for extra convienience
If you create the textures as channel masks you can then even change the textures per instance.
Nothing’s significantly changed in how materials and textures are used, if you are using BSP you can apply materials the same way you used to and change their placement the same way. Those aren’t meant for in depth UV editing though so for more complex stuff it’s better to use a static mesh where you have a UV editor in your 3D program.
Thanks for your answers! That makes sense to me. So I can import textured meshes from Blender? The reason I only assigned materials in blender is I read in a tutorial somewhere that importing textures is generally prone to error. If I can import those without problem that answers it!