Hi, I was recently challenged to create a Stargate like teleport control.
I’ve created a dhd which has all the buttons, these all react when picked up by a line trace, they set a variable and all 7 variables (int) are then converted to string variable and appended to create a gate address which contains all the numbers. This then sets a variable inside the teleport (will be a stargate) via a targate blueprint.
The teleport blueprint has an overlap actor event which looks for the gate address (the appended string) in an array of actors of class (the other teleports (stargates)) have a name which equals the list of ints.
The problem I’m having (after all that text) is everything works as intended while testing in editor. I can dial different gates, teleport happens as expected (with some location z axis tweaking). But when I do a build configuration and test out of editor the dhd works but the teleports don’t react. I will try to add photo’s when I can.
I have a box component in the teleport, does this not work after a build?, or are they problems with teleport or set actor location after compiling?