Pratical Example for Live Editor PlugIn - In Original version blueprint not compile

Hello, I am trying to develop a control parameters using the Live Editor PlugIn working with MIDI devices …

I found inside the engine version 4.0.1 two examples of Blue Print and am trying to make it work in some way in order to create presets eg lights to be controlled by MIDI

I’m not able to run the Blue print sample that comes with the plug in, arrived to give an error at compile time most believe hit …

I believe that the sample function of BP_LiveEditor_Lighting.uasset file that comes with the plug in the version 4.0.1 there is a variable called Light and soon after a field to select the asset - in this field need to include anything? Another blueprint with a component of light? got to try it more time I add the blue print with the component and start the game using any parameters of the light reaches the move?

Someone would have some more practical example that works for me to study and develop my work in accordance with an example?
