Hi, after a couple of successful workflows, this time the export error “the project does not contain all inputs” crops up again.
This time, I didn’t even close RC before I aligned, reconstructed, textured all in one session without closing the program, but on export I get that error.
(On importing 16-bit ZIP TIFFs, I took RC’s advice to convert the images to 8-bit and did not interfere manually. [Even with the help doc I cannot retrace or understand anything concerning image layers; my UI seems to look different to the help articles.]
All 16-bit and 8-bit are still in one folder, as after the RC 8-bit conversion.)
In the console I read that 4 of 139 images “does not match the one that was used for registration”. But I did not touch them.
Any way to fix this?
(And why do all inputs need to be physically present for licensing/exporting when in the meantime RC has created a mesh and a texture anyways, and the data of the inputs seems to be irrelevant?)
was there something different compare to your previous workflow? Are the 16-bit TIFF in ZIP folder? Can you please describe your exact workflow? Where are your images saved?
Please right-click on your RealityCapture project (.rcproj) and view it in an application like notepad c++ to easily navigate through it (it´s an XML file).
Please verify that every image that is in the file corresponds to the actual image and path on the hard drive and any of these images is not corrupted (even a preview of one image can be all green/black/pink)
Then please try to remove cache and make it like a clean install:
removing cache (navigate to your cache location and remove the cache folder) If you are using a system cache it will be in the C:\Users"User"\AppData\Local\Temp and there search for RealityCapture, RealityCapture1, RealityCapture2. RealityCapture3 folders
Please try to " make it like a clean install" (this will reset your settings to default in the process):
In order to do that:
Shift + Double LeftMouseClick on RealityCapture icon
From drop-down select make it like a clean install and press ok
Then try again
Have you tried to export the PPI license file by clicking on “input licenses” in the workflow tab of RealityCapture, closing the project, opening it again, and drag and dropping the PPI license file back to the application?
The inputs need to be physically present, because you are licensing inputs, not the outputs.