Hello people, I have a query, in my car project, I have a questionnaire on the map where the car collides with a box and a quiz is displayed and I need to implement that when I answer the question correctly, a power up is activated random, and if you answer wrong it will take away your speed or life, how can I do that when you answer right or wrong the question gives you a random power up?
Which part of this are you having problems with?
- detecting collision
- creating a widget
- creating the quiz
- completing the quiz
- creating the power ups
- randomising results
- applying power ups
- passing data between objects
As you can see, this is somewhat involved and does not really have a simple answer. When creating interactive systems, break them down into smaller components and work on that.
Hello, you can make the car when you collide with the object activate the quiz, and when you answer the question you can activate the power up, but what I need is that it be random and that it can be stored in a button within the screen to the end user can press it whenever they want.