Pouring sand from a container

Hello, in UE5, is there a way to pour sand from a container?

After the sand has been poured in a curved line, can a character kick the line of sand to break the line of sand?
Pouring sand from container

You can try to use small niagara particles for this, but to achieve a sand like effect youd need more particles that any current GFX can handle.

So if it doesn’t work, you can probably fake it with a material shader and a niagara ribbon…

Do Niagara particle have physics to collide with each other and the ground?

Yes, but the more you have that collide the lower the performance gets…

This is for a pre-rendered sequence, is there a way we can cache the simulation so performance will not be an issue?

Are there any YouTube videos that show how to set up a sand physics simulation? I could not find any.

Look for hail or falling raindrops.
Its the same principle…

I found a Youtube tutorial that describes how to emit Niagara particles from a skeletal mesh and the particles stay on the floor.

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