Potree Converter

RC is a great tool! Are there already considerations to integrate an export function for Potree? If so, when would it be available?

What export parameters do I have to set for the Potreeconverter at the moment in order to be able to use the exported PLY file with potreeconverter.exe?

Many thanks and best regards

Hi ii3D

AS you read on Potree solution it accept PLY files, so its just about testing export settings on small file to get the best working ones and its done.

[quote=“ii3D”]Hallo Herr Wishgranter,

leider vesrtehe ich Antwort nicht ganz. Korrigieren Sie mich bitte wenn ich etwas falsch verstanden habe,

“Ich soll am besten mit einer kleineren Datei anfangen und dann mit verschiedenen Export Einstellungen testen.” Habe ich das so richtig verstanden?

Gibt es denn Bestrebungen dahingehend, einen Export für Potree in RC zu integrieren? (siehe Agisoft)[/quote]

Hello Mr. Wishgranter,

Unfortunately I do not answer completely. Please correct me if I have misunderstood something,

“I should start with a smaller file and then test with different export settings.” Did I understand that correctly?

Are there any efforts to integrate an export for Potree into RC?