I’m trying to have an actor that must update its internal data once its components are loaded.
So I set the data update in PostInitializeComponents function.
In editor, when I place the actor, the PostInitializeComponents is never called whereas it is called properly in game.
Is it normal? Do I need to set something to get this call in Editor?
Should I use another function like BeginPlay? or PostInitializeProperties?
There’s a couple of different options
depending on your needs:
PostInitProperties is called after all the components are created and initialized to their default values.
Keep in mind that this is called for both created and loaded Objects, and in the case where an object is being
loaded from disk (an Actor placed in the level) it will not yet have any saved values.
PostLoad can be used to do work based on the values loaded from disk and PostActorCreated is the equivalent function of PostLoad for Actors spawned dynamically.
PostRegisterAllComponents may also be a useful function, but do keep in mind that this function will be called anytime RegisterAllComponents is called which can happen for a number of different reasons, not just initial
set up.