Post Processing problem when migrating from UE4.27 to UE5

I just migrated my project from UE4.27 to UE5.

After noticing a drop in the framerate, I took a look at the stats and saw that Post Processing went from 0,35ms in UE4.27 to 1,69ms in UE5. Everything is the same, but the performance is totally different.

Any idea about what could be the reason behind it?

I’m amazed that all you experienced :slight_smile:

Typically, people have been going from about 120fps to 80 or less, because 5 is basically doing a lot more than 4 ever was.

Not all, but this is the most notable decrease in GPU performance.

Overall, I noticed that my project is about 20FPS slower in UE5 than it is in UE4.27. While it may not seem a lot, those 20FPS could be crucial in many cases.

This is exactly what I’m saying.

It’s not just PP, it’s across the board.

Sure. But you need to start somewhere to fix things. And PP seems the lowest hanging fruit here.

I’d say lighting is the main focus area. Turn off Lumen :slight_smile:

Just found the issue.
In UE4.27 was running TAA as Anti-Aliasing Method. UE5 auto-switches it to TSR.

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Lumen is off. As I said at the beginning, I didn’t change a thing after migration. So the only things that could have changed are the ones Unreal auto-changes in UE5.

Many things have changed. Default shader complexity, for example…

Yes, I’ll have to fix quite a few things. But can’t afford to lose those FPS…
Thank you for pointing it out. I’m going to check it next

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