I got a problem with post processing in multiplayer, when i try to use post processing for one player it’s working in same time for every player.
I show you what i did with 2 screenshots
It’s a flashbang system.
I made an event when the player seethe flashbang it’s working for every clients, depend of what i choose in the event replication, if i choose multicast allclient + server will be flashed, if i
choose client all client will be flashed too, so it’s normal, but i don’t know how to resolve this.
I use get player character when i’m casting, but it seems i don’t have the player reference.
GetPlayerCharacter(0) does not return Player 1, it returns the first character registered in the game for the local machine running the code. In your case it is always the character of the local player meaning you always launch your function “ApplyFlashbang” to it, regardless of who entered your overlapping box.
You’re basically saying:
When someone steps into the box, I tell the local player to flashbang.
You want to be saying: When someone steps into the box, if it’s a player, it flashbangs.
You can do this by dragging a wire off “Other Actor” pin from the overlap event and casting it to your type of character.