Post Apocalyptic Street (Saint Malos Street) Version 2

On my Artstation you can see around 80 pictures of this Project:

I spent around 6 months of my life working on this project alone. I personally modeled and textured every single prop and texture in this project except the brick textures, one of the three asphalt textures and one of the concrete textures. Even the grass and foliage were created by me and none of the models were downloaded from internet. I created the concept by getting inspiration from many famous games and movies.
I even invented a technique for creating realistic water puddle decals that are animated and look like real world.
This was a really fun project and during it I did not accept any other project. Modeling and UV mapping was done in Maya, Texturing in Substance Painter and the environment was created in Unreal Engine. This Environment is fully optimized and was created with a single GTX 1650 Super with 4 GB Ram to make sure it runs smoothly on higher spec PCs.
Some of the assets in this project can be found on my FAB page and are available for sale.
This project demonstrate some of my skills including, Modeling, Texturing, Lighting, Tech art, Concept art, Environment art which I acquired in the last 15 years by self teaching and watching youtube videos. I’ve never had a teacher for this and I call youtube the university that taught me these skills for free.


Hi again @JVAD3DDD,

Hope you’ve been well since our last talk :slight_smile:

As per usual, I just wanted to pop in and say this looks fantastic. Every single element of this project is phenomenal. Every asset appears to be sculpted with real and genuine attention to detail. The months of hard work definitely paid off :smiley:

Thanks for continuing to share your art with us forum dwellers :joy:

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Hi Again, Thanks for your message my friend.
Yeah I really cared about the smallest details in every asset,
Economically it did not paid off yet, But mentally, It did.
I really need to work on such a project mentally.

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This looks fantastic, great work!!

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Looks exactly like the city I live in and pay for services, idk why you call it post apocalyptic…

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Amazing details and also Lighting is :fire:

Where do you live? Chernobyl?



Here is the water material I used:

This pack include around 100 of the 3D models I created and used in this project:

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Here are the cars:

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Your stuff could be 300% better if the proportions wouldn´t be that off.

@MilBarD I spent a lot of time making sure everything has the right proportion and size.
Which one does not have the right proportion in your opinion?

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Here is the scaffolding:

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Here are the small fuse boxes:

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Super boulot ! Le resultat est impressionnant.
Bonne chance pour monétiser ces efforts :slight_smile:

Merci pour vos aimables paroles

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