Possible UE5 (5.0.2) bug? Blueprint compile error when comparing two values: "promotion from '<type>' to 'Timespan Structure'"


I’m following the Creating a First-Person Aim Trainer course (originally for UE4) in UE5 (5.0.2-20280985+++UE5+Release-5.0, on Windows 10). At 9:30 in the video in the link, an INT <= INT check is added. When I compile the final Blueprint there is a compilation error:

Cannot find appropriate promotion from 'Integer' to 'Timespan Structure' on ' Timespan <= Timespan generated from expanding INT <= INT '
' Timespan <= Timespan generated from expanding Timespan <= Timespan ' could not successfuly expand pins!

FWIW, here’s the macro:


Even if I use another integer variable or value in the INT <= INT inputs, the result is the same.

If I try to compare a float, the result is:

Cannot find appropriate promotion from 'Float (double-precision)' to 'Timespan Structure' on ' Timespan <= Timespan generated from expanding INT <= INT '

Without connecting anything to the inputs:

Cannot find appropriate promotion from 'Wildcard' to 'Timespan Structure' on ' Timespan <= Timespan generated from expanding INT <= INT '

I can’t see any Timespan Structure neither in my code nor in the macro (where the inputs are configured as wildcards). The engine clearly shows the INT <= INT inputs are integers (even when hovering over them).

Am I doing something wrong? Or is this an engine bug?

BTW, would it help if I copied-and-pasted here the Blueprint node?


Hey AltoRetrato1,

I threw this into the editor and ran into the same issues as you initially. I was able to resolve this by changing the wildcard pins in the Int<= macro to integer pins. I do not know why that wildcard is not resolving correctly, but switching everything to integers made it work without issue. In the past I have seen issues using wildcard variables inside macros; this may be an engine bug.

Please let me know if this solution works for you!


Hi @anon58774453!

Thanks! Your suggestion works, as expected.

I also glanced over the engine source on Github, but I noticed there is no “issues” section over there to discuss bugs (there is only the “pull requests” section). So is this forum the best (or only?) place to report bugs in the engine?

There is an actual place to report bugs, the process can be found here.

Glad that worked out for you!

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