I’m following the Creating a First-Person Aim Trainer course (originally for UE4) in UE5 (5.0.2-20280985+++UE5+Release-5.0, on Windows 10). At 9:30 in the video in the link, an INT <= INT check is added. When I compile the final Blueprint there is a compilation error:
Cannot find appropriate promotion from 'Integer' to 'Timespan Structure' on ' Timespan <= Timespan generated from expanding INT <= INT '
' Timespan <= Timespan generated from expanding Timespan <= Timespan ' could not successfuly expand pins!
FWIW, here’s the macro:
Even if I use another integer variable or value in the INT <= INT inputs, the result is the same.
If I try to compare a float, the result is:
Cannot find appropriate promotion from 'Float (double-precision)' to 'Timespan Structure' on ' Timespan <= Timespan generated from expanding INT <= INT '
Without connecting anything to the inputs:
Cannot find appropriate promotion from 'Wildcard' to 'Timespan Structure' on ' Timespan <= Timespan generated from expanding INT <= INT '
I can’t see any Timespan Structure
neither in my code nor in the macro (where the inputs are configured as wildcards). The engine clearly shows the INT <= INT inputs are integers (even when hovering over them).
Am I doing something wrong? Or is this an engine bug?
BTW, would it help if I copied-and-pasted here the Blueprint node?