I’m trying to make isolated system of cloud planes. Also if it must be inside a particle system, how do I make it stop doing this… currently the planes disappear as the player starts to look away and the center goes off screen.
there is a scale-uv node for subimage textures being used on meshes. (its awesome)
hmm rereading your question… you might want to set the bounds …
In Cascade, Click in the Black area outside of your emitter module list and then go to the details panel and Find the Fixed Bounds settings, and increase / decrease the bounds as necessary, in your case you will want to make the rooms size the fixed bounds of the system, or approximate as the center of the system is always the center of the bounds so if your clouds are in the sky you may want to increase the bounds only in the direction needed to fill your environment.
Keep in mind, mesh emitters are more expensive than sprites.