Was suggested to me that a circular array could aid me in my current situation in blueprints.
However, I have no idea how this in implemented in blueprints. I was told this is to replicate a circular queue functionality. I’m aware of TCircularQueue but I’m not a good programmer. I’ve heard that TCircularQueue is not exposed by blueprints so…Is it possible?
Am I just missing a technique to use my array correctly?
I is confused.
Yes you can expose TCircularQueue to blueprint but in order to do that you are going to need to create a C++ class that inherits from UObject and then write functions that are exposed to blueprint that internally deal with this data structure. Why do you need to use a Circular Array? What are you trying to achieve? Maybe there is an easier way
Well, I’m attempting to map some movement controls to the tilt of a single motion controller(vive). I want to be able to detect tilting one controller fwd-back, left-right, then use those inputs for movement of an actor. So I’ve been suggested to look for changes in yaw & pitch over time. Then store those values and apply them to movement inputs. The suggested storage structure was a circular queue - circular array. The link to the other question i have for this on the hub >>> Is there a way in BluePrint to get Tilt Input from a single Motion Controller for VR? (Of 2, vive) - XR Development - Epic Developer Community Forums . I’m thinking the advice is meant to mean there is in fact a way to use the array nodes to structure in a similar way as a circular queue. If not, perhaps there is a simpler way to use an array to store and use the same info?
Well yeah, any array can be turned into a circular queue you just need to create the appropriate read and write functions for it.
Something like a function to add array item and a function to remove array item? (both triggered by such and such) Just logic to make an array act like a circular structure?
Sorry if i sound redundant/confused - I’m a designer learning programming.