I would like to change that maximum axis value through blueprints. So if I change a character who has a different maximum speed, the blendspace would adjust accordingly.
But perhaps the better way is just to use an alternate animation blueprint or child anim bluperint?
Maybe can if you use regular blendspace node in animbp not the blendspace asset, you can create blendspace asset in your animbp and assing animation, for my its better because i can adjust every single animation, maybe with this can set the param like smoothing and dumping with blueprints but again i dont know if exist functions for this
I am looking for a way to set the parameters such as smooth and dumping, since I have a motion component and I want it to have those values here and set them. I was looking for some function to set these values but I can’t find it.
Did you find a solution on this?
I’m looking to change Smoothing Time during play to jump between 0.25 and 0 so I can switch to a different part of the blendspace without interpolation.