Possible to additively blend one blendspace on another?

Is this possible? Thank you for any help!

Hey @object22!

When you say “Possible to additively blend one blendspace on another?” do you mean have two blend spaces working on the same skeleton simultaneously? Like one for the upper body and one for the lower?

Right now it’s not very clear what you are trying to do. If you could let us know more specifically what you are trying to accomplish, we can definitely help find a solution for you!

Any additional specifics you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!

I am creating a swimming system and one blendspace has regular swimming animations and the other blendspace is for when swimming upwards or downwards
(or up right, down right etc). The second blendspace animations are basically the same as the first blendspace except the spine is arched differently depending on the swim direction. So I was attempting to additively add the swim up/down blendspace onto the first blendspace when the player is swimming at up or down angles so the spine would arch correctly.

Hey object22!

Maybe give this a try and see if this is useful to your purposes!

Another route you could take is:
instead of “Apply Additive” you could do a “Layered Blend Per Bone” and use pelvis as the first index, then the rest of the spine as the rest of the indexes. That usually ends up with a better look.

Here’s a link to the documentation if you’d like a closer look at your options!

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