The problem is that the settings don’t seem to have any effect on the playing sequence: the player is not hidden,
the hud is shown and movement is still enabled. Is this a bug?
I put together the same setup that you have and I couldn’t repro in 4.25. All the elements were disabled - hud, movement input, player. Not sure what might be different. Is it possible your sequence is not that long and the settings did take effect but playback ended too quickly? Sorry, not likely, but I can’t think of anything else.
Thanks Max for your answer. It doesn’t work for me unfortunately. My sequence is a about 10 s, so this is not an issue.
Does the MovieSceneSequencePlaybackSettings control just the default HUD, Movement Controller classes? I have a custom Movement Controller for example, maybe that’s why it’s not working?
As of now I have to disable/enable Hud, Movement Input etc. all manually for the duration of the sequence. It’s very cumbersome and a lot of spaghetti blueprint mess…ugh