Possible bug in Contextual Animations?

So I setup a looping animation from a state tree that plays a contextual animation with a set number of loops, it’s a sitting animation. At the end of the animation and before it starts over there is a hitch that does not exist in the animation. When looking further into this I noticed at the moment of the hitch if I watch the pose before the slot it plays on, during this hiccup it begins blending out of the Montage, which leads me to believe that for some reason there is some delay during looping Contextual Animations that allows a window just big enough for the character to begin blending out of the animation your playing on it. Is this a bug or am I simply overlooking something?

Here is the image I captured during the hiccup. It also seems to me like the animation may not actually be always playing all the way through before it restarts but I don’t know how to verify that.

And here is where I play the Contextual Animation

And here is during gameplay at the moment the hitch happens you can see the player starts blending into the Idle pose.

Update: I went back and watched the 2023 GDC Video where they talk about Contextual Animations and Smart Objects and his actually seems to be doing the same thing. It hitches between the last frame of the sitting loop and the first frame when it loops back around, so I believe this is a bug.