I’ve set it to return world location. When moving spline points around the construction script always outputs Z as 0 but I know it’s not. I’ve tried it with the spline as the root of the object and as a child, no difference. X and Y update accordingly. I’ve attached my code and values stored.
Quick update. I’ve narrowed the bug down to the construction script. There’s something funky going on. Because when I build Nodes array on begin play instead of in construction script it works and gets correct Z values. There is a spline class setting bool “Override Construction Script” which does nothing when I toggle it.
Hi DoctorD,
Maybe this will help narrow it down further. I believe it has something to do with setting the Nodes array and not the Get Location at Spline Point itself. If you try this simple setup, the Get Location at Spline Point prints correctly to the Output Log.
Hi DoctorD,
We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as resolved for tracking purposes.
Were you still able to reproduce the issue with my setup above? Just comment here to reopen the post.