I have a custom build of 4.12 and when i close the game it crashes, but there isn’t any error shown in the log. as in the call stack is entirely missing. visual studio is telling me it fails an assert on line 39 of TickableEditorObject.h
Hello Chris528,
Without knowing what edits you’ve made to the editor’s source, there is no way for us to know if your changes may of caused this crash. If Visual Studio is asserting at a particular line which is checking a value, I would suggest debugging the project and attempting to get the crash again.
Once you crash, select the “Break” option and take a look at the Callstack tab at the bottom right. Ensure that it is the same as before and then look at the check itself. We know that the check is seeing if Pos is NOT INDEX_NONE. In this case, it was so the editor asserted. Next, take a look at the Local tab at the bottom right and look for that Pos variable. There should be information here to show what asset it belonged to so you can have an idea what might be causing this problem.
Also, when you mention that it crashes “when i close the game”, do you mean that you’re ending a PIE session, closing a Standalone version of the game, or closing the project itself?
The top 6 commits are the only thing I’ve changed, and those same changes worked fine in 4.10 and 4.11 .com/Chris528/UnrealEngine/commits/release
Sorry, i really wasn’t being very specific. I get the crash when closing the editor, and also when shutting down the game (ue4editor.exe with -game parameter)
Also, there was absolutely nothing in the callstack other than the FTickableEditorObject destructor itself
One weird thing I do notice is that the assert gets triggered after the log file is closed
The Pos variable is most likely part of “this”, which is why Pos doesn’t have a parent calling it in that Check line. When attempting to debug a project, it would be best to launch it in Debug Editor so that you can see all of the important details/values.
This is the value of “this” when it crashes
0x000007fec90cec38 {UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dll!FTextureStreamingNotificationImpl GTextureStreamingNotification} {…}
Unfortunately that isn’t much information. You’ll need to debug the issue and follow where the values go to find out why that check failed. One thing that could point toward what is causing it is to look at the output log from a session where this crash occurred. Could you upload one of those logs?
That’s the thing, the crash occurs after the log is finished being written to.
as in the last line is always
[2016.06.12-00.24.25:391][369]Log file closed, 06/11/16 20:24:25
There’s no mention of a crash anywhere in the log.
When you crash, do you get any type of window, even if it’s from Windows itself? Is there anything that comes up that indicates that the crash occurred? If not, please post the log as it could at least show the events that lead up to the crash itself which could give some kind of context. If we don’t have more information, there won’t be any way to proceed past debugging the project and working backwards.
Also, please try reproducing the crash without running the editor through Visual Studio to see if the results may be different. Try just running the editor directly.
I also have this problem. Perhaps it is associated with a global variable created order. When debugging, The order in which the call is GGrassRenderingNotification->GLandscapeTextureBakingNotification->GShaderCompilingNotification->FSourceCodeNavigationImpl->GTextureStreamingNotification and TArray FTickableEditorObject::TickableObjects. At this time, TickableObjects has been reset. It was compiled in vs2013.
Hello 인피니티게임즈, When your project crashes, are you getting a callstack? If so, could you post that callstack here so that I can see if there any reports of this crash in our database and possibly already a bug entered for the problem?
The attached screenshot below.
Does this only occur for you when you’re debugging? If not, please crash while just running the program normally so that the Crash Reporter window will appear and give a full callstack. The callstack given by Visual Studio in this case is only 2 functions which is rather short. Also, please copy/paste the callstack instead of taking a screenshot, so that it is easier for me to make use of.
i just spent some time troubleshooting the issue, the static variable TickableObjects is getting cleared/deleted some place before the FTickableEditorObject destructor gets called. There is literally nothing at all in the callstack. And by the time that the FTickableEditorObject destructor where the crash occurs is called, the logfile is already is already finished being written to. which means it contains no crash information at all.
in the FTickableEditorObject() contructor i count 7 unique objects being added to the TickableObjects tarray. When the FTickableEditorObject destructor is called for the first object when i close the engine, TickableObjects somehow only contains 3 items.
There was recently a fix that went in related to some tick issues in 4.12.4 that may be related to this issue. Have you been able to give this issue a try in 4.12.4 to see if the problem may be fixed? Here’s the commit for the bit I’m talking about: .com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/1edb2b8d7ef8ba1df20a5cdd4c185d8e775b9508
Thanks for the help, that seems to have fixed my issue entirely.
I am still getting this bug and I am using 4.12.5. I think it might be related to bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild and the order of compilation. When i turn bUseAdaptiveUnityBuild off and do a clean rebuild , I don’t get the crash. The other programmers on my team have UnityBuild on but they are not facing this issue. I have attached the callstack.
Unfortunately, there isn’t that much I can help with when it’s that vague. It seems like something that is only happening on your end so reproducing it becomes an issue. Have you tried creating an entire different installation of your 4.12.5 engine from Github and seeing if you get the same results?