[Possible Bug] Content Browser blank window

Hey there, UE4 has recently started to show a very weird bug for me, which is that the content browser appears to be blank. Both “Content Browser 1” and “Content Browser 2” seem to be affected, 3 and 4 work fine. To help you understand this better, this is how Content Browser 1 looks like:

In comparision, here’s Content Browser 3:

I’m unsure what happened and why it affected CB 1 and 2 but not 3 and 4, but it’s a pretty weird bug I’d like to fix.

On another machine, it works. But also, in another project it works, so it has to do something with my project for some reason. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!

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After losing my mind multiple times I found the solution and I’m leaving this here for anyone who might have the same problem.

Visit your project’s Saved/Config/Windows/EditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini and find the [ContentBrowser] area and delete it. For some reason the slot size of the elements was set to zero in this config file, leading to the content browser not correctly rendering the panels.

I hope this could save some time for someone :slight_smile: