Possessed Pawn Camera Not Aligning To Camera Component

So, what I’ve been able to determine is that the cause has to do with the Game Mode in some capacity.

The default Game Mode actually does use the Camera assigned to an object (Granted, I haven’t tested how this works with multiple cameras yet)

However, upon changing this to MyGameMode, Cameras simply cease to function. It’s as if it can’t understand where the camera is.

I also ripped out all the “Possess” event stuff, to be as simple as possible. Still no dice and all the tutorials I find are all about setting blend modes or attaching a camera to the Player Controller (Which won’t work since there are multiple cameras)

I found this post which pretty accurately describes what I’m trying to accomplish but I just run into object errors and references that cannot be used.

Again, ANY place I can find out where to define the camera would be greatly appreciated.