Posses Created Pawn after Open Level

I just discovered what was wrong. I´ll keep the post to help anyone facing similar issue.
The thing is that in the first Level the input mode was set to UI Only.
So I couldnt move the char on the second level when coming from the first level.

The Input mode is set and keeps its settings when changing levels. I didnt know that.

To be brief here´s my issue:

I have 2 levels:
LoginMap and GameMap
each map have its own GameMode and Player Controller.

In the GameMap the PlayerController creates the Character and posses it.
everything works fine. Both levels when I open each one separately in the Editor.

The problem is when I OPEN LEVEL GameMap from the first level LoginMap, using the OpenLevel node.

When the second level is opened, that is, the GameMap, I no longer can control the CreatedChar.
I already did a lot of tests to debug.
The second Level has the correct GameMode and correct PlayerController.
But the ControlledPawn is null.

Is there a way to solve this?
Before anyone suggest that I shoulde use the DefaultPawn option, I dont want that because the Character is created and Possessed according to some parameters from the player login from the first level.

I open the level using the OpenLevel node passing the GameMode desired

In the GameMap Level I create the player and posses it. It works when playing the level but dont work when coming from another level.